A downloadable game

WASD to move, left click to fire, right click to zoom in, scroll wheel to switch guns, you can also use 1 and 2 to switch, P to enable pew mode, CTRL to dash, T to teleport.

If the blue bar is full, you can dash. The bar in the middle is your health. The number next to the bots icon on the top right corner shows you the number of bots you killed. The purple bar tells you if you can teleport.

There are 2 maps to explore, but there is only 1 bot variant to fight right now. You have to survive a minimum amount of time and kill a minimum number of bots to unlock a new map. Maps and new mechanics will be added slowly.

There are also levels in the game. Currently, there is only 1 level.

There are only 2 guns in the game currently. But new guns will be added.

Note: The WebGL build is for demo purposes only. The graphics have been bumped down a lot for maximum performance. The graphics will be much better in the final version.

Development log